Where is my Church? 305 Machray Ave Wpg. MB 7 pm Sunday evenings.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Full Throttle

I love running fast. Mostly alone and in open spaces or cutting through hilly country roads. Even better is the drag strip at our local track. But running hard without good maintance always costs you later.
Recently my wife and I went on a trip. Business and work mixed. We visited lots of  good friends along the way. Got to the business end and met the people we were suppose to and home again. But you know down time is good time. A bow that is always strung loses its strength. Sometimes it is just necessary to just set back a bit and reflect. Mind you sometimes I meet people and that is all they seem to do, is set back and reflect.
The Sabbath day was made for us. Take a day off each week and rest, reflect and pray. Even if the stores are going to be open 7 days a week. Say no. Rest and sit a spell. Unstring the bow. There are still 6 days to work.